Graphs Theory: Basic Terminology, Types of graph, paths and cycles, Euler graph and cycle, Hamiltonian graph and cycle, Shortest path algorithm (Djikstras algorithm), Graph isomorphism, Planar graph, Graph colorings and chromatic number.
Relation and Diagraphs: Product sets and partitions, Paths in relation and diagraphs, Properties of relations, Equivalence relations. Trees: Introduction, m-ary trees, Properties of trees, Spanning trees, Minimal spanning trees, Binary search trees.
Pigeonhole principle, Recurrence relation, Generating functions. Ordered relations and Structures: Partially ordered sets, Extremal elements of partially ordered sets.
Elementary divisibility properties, Division algorithm, Greatest common divisor, Least common multiplier, Euclid’s lemma.
Bezout’s lemma, Prime number, Eucledian Algorithm, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Congruence, Chinese remainder theorem.