Paper Code: 
MAT 322
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to -
  1. Provide a treatment of topics in fluid mechanics to a standard where the student will be able to apply the techniques used in deriving a range of important results and in research problems. 
  2. Provide the students with knowledge of the fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics and an appreciation of their application to real world problems.

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title




MAT 322









Fluid Dynamics-I






The students will be able to –


CO65: To understand the basic principles of fluid mechanics, such as the concept of rotational and irrotational flow, stream functions, velocity potential, vortex, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids etc.

CO66: To analyze simple fluid flow non dimensional parameters.

CO67: To establish the different laws like law of conservation of mass, energy and momentum etc.

CO68: To study the exact solutions of the problems (flow between parallel plates, flow through pipe, over sphere etc.) with Navier -Stoke's equation of motion.

Approach in teaching:


Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips

Quiz, Poster Presentations,

Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects,

Open Book Test, Semester End Examination





Unit I: 
Basic concepts: Fluid, Continuum hypothesis, Viscosity, General motion of a fluid element, Analysis of stress and rate of strain, Stress in a fluid at rest, Stress in a fluid in motion, Stokes’ law of friction, Thermal conductivity and generalized law of heat conduction.
Unit II: 
Fundamental equations of the flow of viscous fluids: Introduction, Equations of state and continuity, Navier-Stokes’ equations of motion, Equation of energy, Vorticity and circulation.
Unit III: 
Dynamical similarity, Inspection and dimensional analysis, Buckingham π-theorem and its application, Non-dimensional parameters and their physical importance, Reynolds number, Froude number, Mach number, Prandtl number, Eckart number, Peclet number, Grashoff number, Brinkmann number, Non–dimensional coefficients: Lift and drag coefficients, Skin-friction, Nusselt number, Temperature recovery factor.
Unit IV: 
Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes’ equations: Velocity and temperature distributions for the flow between two parallel plates, Plane Couette flow, Plane Poiseuille flow, Generalized plane Couette flow, Velocity and temperature distributions for the flow in a circular pipe (Hagen- Poiseuille flow).
Unit V: 
Flow in tubes of uniform cross-sections: Circular, Annularand Elliptic, Equilateral triangular and Rectangular cross-sections. Flow between two concentric rotating cylinders, Flow in convergent and divergent channels, Stagnation point flows: Hiemenz flow, Homann flow.
Essential Readings: 
  • R.K. Rathy, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., 1976.
  • F. Chorlton, Textbook of Fluid Dynamics, CBS Publishers, Delhi, 2004.
  • L.D. Landau and E.N. Lipschitz, Fluid Mechanics, Pergamon Press, London, 1985.
  • J.L. Bansal, Viscous Fluid Dynamics, Oxford Publication, 2013.
  • Schaum's Outlines, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Education, 1st edition, 2007.
  • G.K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • M.D. Raisinghania, Fluid Dynamics, S. Chand & Co., 2003.
  • Pradip Niyogi, S.K. Chakrabartty and M. K. Laha, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Pearson Education, 2006.


Academic Year: