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Kinematics of ideal fluid. Lagrange's and Euler's methods. Equation of continuity in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates. Boundary surface. Stream-lines, path-lines and stream lines velocity potential irrotational motion.


Euler's hydrodynamic equations. Bernoulli's theorem. Helmholtz equations. Cauchy's integral, Motion due to impulsive forces.


Motion in two-dimensions, Stream function, Complex potential. Sources, Sinks, Doublets, Images in two dimensions- image of a source with regard to a plane, image of a source with regard to a circle.


Irrotational Motion: Motion of a fluid element (General and Cartesian coordinates), vorticity, Body forces, Surface forces, Stress analysis at a point, Strain analysis, Flow and circulation, Kelvin’s circulation theorem, connectivity, Irrotational motion in multiple connected space. Acyclic and cyclic motion. Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem.


Irrotational motion in two dimensions: Introduction, General motion of a cylinder in two dimensions, Motion of a circular cylinder in a uniform stream, liquid streaming past a fixed circular cylinder, two co-axial cylinders, Circulation about a circular cylinder, Blasius’s theorem, Streaming and circulation for a fixed circular cylinder, Equation of a motion of a circular cylinder.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Milne Thomson, Theoretical Hydrodynamics, Macmillan.
  2. Chorlton F.,Text book of Fluid Dynamics , CBS Publications, New Delhi.
  3. Goyal & Gupta, Fluid Dynamics, Pragati Prakashan,2011.
  4. Dr. H.K.Pathak ,Fluid Dynamics , Shiksha Sahitya Prakasha,2013.
  1. Schaum's Outlines,Fluid Mechanics,McGraw-Hill Education;1 edition,2007.
  2. Batchelor,G.K.,An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2000.
  3. Raisinghania,M.D,Fluid Dynamics,S. Chand, 2016.


Academic Year: