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MHD Oseen flow of a viscous liquid past a sphere, MHD Oseen’s flow past a circular cylinder(exact solution), MHD Oseen’s flow past a circular cylinder(series solution). Derivation of two dimensional MHD Boundary layer equations for flow over a plane surface, MHD boundary layer flow past a flat plate.



Derivation of two dimensional thermal boundary layer equation for MHD flow over a plane surface, Heat transfer in MHD boundary layer flow past a flat plate, Two dimensional MHD boundary layer equations for flow over a plane surface, MHD Boundary layer flow past a flat plate in a transverse magnetic field.


MHD plane free jet flow, MHD plane wall jet flow, MHD curved wall jet flow, MHD circular free jet flow, MHD boundary layer flow due to impulsive motion of a plane wall.


MHD boundary layer flow due to an accelerated flat plate, MHD boundary layer growth on a body placed symmetrical to the flow, MHD boundary layer growth in a rotating flow, heat, mass and momentum transfer in unsteady MHD free convection flow on an accelerated vertical plate. Unsteady boundary layer flow past a flat plate in an aligned magnetic field, Derivation of two-dimensional MFD boundary layer equation for flow over a plane surface.


Similarity solutions for MFD steady boundary layer flow in an aligned magnetic field, two dimensional MFD boundary layer equations for flow over a plane surface, similarity solutions for MFD steady boundary layer flow in a transverse magnetic field, Magnetogasdynamic plane free jet flow.

Essential Readings: 
  1. J.L. Bansal, Magnetofluiddynamics of Viscous Fluids, Jaipur Publication House, 1994.
  2. Chandra Shekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability, Oxford University Press. 1961.



1.    K.R Cramer, S.I Pai, Magnetofluidodynamics for Engineers and Applied Physicists, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973.
2.    V.C.A Ferraro, C. Plumpton, An Introduction to Magnetofluid Mechanics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1966.
3.    A. Jeffreys, Magnetohydrodynamics, Oliver and Boyd, New York, 1966.
4.    S.I. Pai, Magnetogasdynamics and Plasma Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1963.
5.    J.A. Shercliff, A Text Book of Magnetohydrodynamics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965.

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