Training session on “Mathematica”

The IIS University, Jaipur
Department of Mathematics
Report: Training session on “Mathematica”
Date:  14th  March, 2015                                         Time: 10:30-12:30
Topic: Mathematica                                                Venue:  LAB A    

A  Training session on Mathematica was organized by the department. Speakers were Dr. Rajni Gupta and Mr. Navneet Mittal. They demonstrate the students how to getting start with the software “Mathematica”. Brief information about Mathematical Operations, Matrices and determinants, Differentiation and Integration, plotting of Graphs were given. It was attended by most of the U.G. students of the department. The total 54 students attended the session. The session was quite informative and will prove beneficial for the students as they received new information about new software.