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Ordinary number: Order types, Well-ordered sets, Transfinite induction, Ordinal numbers, Comparability of ordinal numbers, Arithmetic of ordinal numbers, First uncountable ordinal ohm  .


Descriptive properties of sets: Perfect sets, Decomposition of a closed set in terms of perfect sets of first category, 2nd category and residual sets, Characterization of a residual set in a compete metric space, Borel sets of class alpha, ordinal alpha<ohm,  Density point of a set in R, Lebesgue density theorem.


Functions of some special classes: Borel measurable functions of class alpha (alpha<ohm,) and its basic properties, Comparison of Baire and Borel functions, Darboux functions of Baire class one.


Continuity: Nature of the sets of points of discontinuity of Baire one functions, Approximate continuity and its fundamental properties, Characterization of approximate continuous functions.


Henstock integration on the real line: Concepts of d-fine partition of the closed interval [a, b] where d is a positive function on [a, b], Cousin’s lemma, definition of Henstock integral of a functions over the interval [a, b] and its basic properties, Saks-Henstock lemmas and its applications, Continuity of the indefinite integral, Fundamental theorem, Convergence theorems, Absolute Henstock integrability, Characterization of Lebesgue integral by absolute Henstock integral.

Essential Readings: 
  1. A.M. Bruckner, J.B. Bruckner, B.S. Thomson, Real Analysis, Prentice-Hall, New York 1997.
  2. H.S. Gakill and P.P. Narayanswami, Elements of Real Analysis, PHI, 1988.
  3. W.P. Parzynski, P.W. Zipse, Introduction to Mathematical Analysis, MC Graw-Hill Company, 1982.
  1. I.P. Natanson, Theory of Functions and Real Variable, Vol. I & II, Frederic Ungar Publishing, 1955.
  2. C. Goffman, Real Functions, Rinehart Company, N.Y. 1953
  3.  P.Y. Lee, Lanzhou Lectures on Henstock Integration, World Scintific Press, 1990.
  4. J.F. Randolph, Basic Real and Abstract Analysis, Academic Press, N.Y. 1968.
  5. S.M. Srivastava, A Course on Borel Sets, Springer,N.Y. 1998.
  6. R.G. Rartle, Introduction to Real Analysis, John Willey and Sons, 2000.
  7. A.J. Kosmala, Introductory Mathematical Analysis, WCB Company, 1995.
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